Sun Enters Taurus + Eclipse Season 2023 Begins!

Hang on to your hats, folks, and get ready for the Eclipse season emotional rodeo!

Taurus friends the Sun is shining on you from April 20th through May 20th! That said, we will all feel the Taurus sun somewhere in our own charts.

Shortly before the Sun makes his grand entrance into the sign of the bull, we have a New Moon in Aries AND Solar Eclipse at 11:12 PM Central time on April 19th!

You read that right—this new moon is also in the sign of Aries again, just like last month.

The Moon will be at 29 degrees of Aries, almost ready to step over into Taurus (there are 30 degrees in each sign). This is a powerful place for the Moon to be sitting, on top of the fact that it’s a solar eclipse. Now, what does this mean?

In general, it speaks of a powerful new start in the area of your chart where Aries resides. That sounds vague, I know, but you can read the horoscopes further down in this newsletter for a little more context. No matter where it’s happening in your chart, the energy of Aries calls for courage, independence, and moving boldly in a new direction.

It’s like a New Moon on steroids (and the lunar eclipse is like a Full Moon on steroids), and the effects can ripple out for months. Because of this, eclipses can be great predictive tools to find out what may lie ahead for you.

Just a couple of weeks later on May 5th, we will have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio! In this case, we are letting go of something that we were dealing with around November of 2022. It’s time to release and let it go. This can be quite emotional and we may find that issues or revelations surface that we may not have been fully conscious or aware of.

Meanwhile, our friend Mercury is boogying backward as he goes retrograde on April 21st through May 15th. There’s no need to stress about this, but it’s always wise to be extra-mindful with your communication and to take extra-care to back up any of your electronic devices. Mercury rules these areas and when he is retrograde, he sometimes likes to have a little fun and make things go wonky.

He also loves messing with your travel plans and contracts during this time. So, if you can avoid major trips or planning major trips until later, wait. If you can put off signing that contract, wait. Obviously, that’s not always possible and the world won’t come to an end if you can’t, but you may find that you run into snafus or things just don’t go quite how you expect.

On May 1st, our buddy, Pluto, AKA the Lord of the Underworld, also goes retrograde. Now, as you may recall, Pluto just moved into the sign of Aquarius at the end of March. This retrograde action will last for awhile, and it will take Pluto back into the sign of Capricorn on June 11th.

This Pluto retrograde will continue through October 2023 when he will finally go direct once again and start heading back toward Aquarius. So, what the heck does this mean?

Well, it could certainly mean some more financial bumps. This is a time of major adjustment as Pluto moves from the earth-based energy of Capricorn into the air-based energy of Aquarius. Old systems are dying as we prepare for the new.

In your own life, how this manifests for you depends on where Pluto falls in your chart and how it is communicating with the rest of your chart. Pluto brings deep transformation to the area(s) of our lives it touches.

On a lighter note, lovely Venus moves into nurturing Cancer on May 7th and jovial Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 16th. These two will be in a harmonious relationship with one another, perhaps bringing opportunities for a little more love and kindness and overall good times through early June.

Photo of solar eclipse by Jongsun Lee on Unsplash

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New Moon in Taurus, May 2023


Be Bold: New Moon in Aries, 2023