Powerful New Beginnings: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries, April 8, 2024

Spring is now fully in motion in the Northern Hemisphere. Meanwhile, we are in the midst of Mercury retrograde (April 1-April 25).

The big astrological news is the New Moon Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees Aries which occurs on Monday, April 8, 2024 at about 1:45 p.m. Central Time.

Eclipses bring endings and beginnings.

We had the lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25. This solar eclipse in Aries is quite strong as it is a Total Solar Eclipse, plus it is being further impacted by the Mercury retrograde and an additional influence by Chiron, which is considered a “centaur” or a dwarf planet. Chiron represents the “wounded healer.”

This combination of energies speaks to potential for profound change that also may be impacted by communication challenges, yet also provide potential for healing and catharsis.

That said, these are potent energies. You have likely already been feeling the buildup. When a solar eclipse occurs, the effects can ripple out for about three to six months.

This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries will cross the United States and be visible to many. If you are able, I encourage you to get a pair of eclipse glasses and check it out.

Those with strong Aries and Libra placements, such as the Sun, Moon, and Rising, as well as other planets within Aries or Libra, will experience the impact more directly. Folks with placements in the other Cardinal signs, Cancer and Capricorn, will likely feel these energies strongly as well.

Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Aries Horoscopes

Read below to find out what area(s) of your life may be affected, depending on your Sun, Moon, or Rising. Not sure what those are? You can go to www.astro.com to get a free birth chart. Keep in mind these are general descriptions. Of course, if you want a deeper dive into your chart, you can always book a consultation by emailing me at juliegstarr@gmail.com.

Aries: This eclipse is all about your sense of self and your identity. You may experience a major shift in a key relationship.

Taurus: For you, this eclipse may mean spending some time alone, either voluntarily or involuntarily. Maybe you go on a spiritual retreat. Maybe you just need some alone time at home.

Gemini: Important changes in your groups, networks, or friends are likely to occur, bringing you into alignment with others who are on a similar path as you.

Cancer: Your career or your public image is in the spotlight. Perhaps you receive a promotion. Whatever the case, you are in the spotlight!

Leo: It’s time for a big trip or perhaps a major shift in what you believe. This may also be a key time of beginning or ending a period of higher education.

Virgo: For you, this is about private matters and shared resources. Perhaps you need to pay special attention to taxes. There may be a deep awakening in your intimate life. You may simply decide to explore the metaphysical realm in a new way.

Libra: Your 1:1 relationships are the focus right now, whether that is with a significant other or a business contact. It’s time for a fresh start. You may also sign an important contract.

Scorpio: Focus on making necessary changes to your health and your daily routine. Pets and/or your job may be areas where you experience unexpected change as well.

Sagittarius: New beginnings happen for you in the realms of leisure time, children, romance, and speculation (such as the stock market). Any or all of these could be impacted.

Capricorn: Perhaps it’s time for some big changes at home or within your family. This could be as simple as redecorating or as heartfelt as a big move. You may also find yourself going through big shifts related to your roots or your inner child.

Aquarius: Look to your local community/neighborhood and/or your relationship with siblings or other relatives as potential areas of change. This could also be a time when you start a new course or decide to learn something new.

Pisces: Your money is where it’s at. Changes to how you earn or spend your money could be occurring. You may also experience a shift in what you value.


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