New Moon in Capricorn, 2024

We have a New Moon in Capricorn on January 11 (that’s right, 111!). Capricorn is CEO, get-it-done, make-it-happen, and do it with quality energy.

You may find yourself feeling extra driven, ambitious, disciplined, and focused — this Capricorn mountain goat isn’t just climbing a mountain, it’s conquering the world! Why? Because this New Moon has back-up from Mars, which is loving the opportunity to marry its drive with Capricorn’s ambition and determination.

Pluto is also in the mix, still hanging out at 29 degrees of Capricorn before moving into Aquarius. What does that mean? Pluto is deep, penetrating, transformative energy.

On top of all this, the Sun is still in Capricorn, of course.

So, you’ve got your will, your emotional energy, and your inner drive all feeling very focused and determined to bring some deep changes to your life. These energies have already been at play so it’s likely whatever this is for you is already underway.

Mars will be hanging out in Capricorn through February 11th so your foot will be holding steady on the gas pedal for a while as you make your way up that mountain.

Read below to find out what area(s) of your life may be affected, depending on your Sun, Moon, or Rising. Not sure what those are? You can go to to get a free birth chart. Keep in mind these are general descriptions. Of course, if you want a deeper dive into your own chart, you can always book a consultation.

Capricorn: Body, self-development. It’s all about you, Cap. Happy Birthday to you!

Aquarius: Alone time. Spiritual contemplation. Hospitals.

Pisces: Groups. Organizations. Goals.

Aries: Career. Public image. Calling.

Taurus: Publishing. Marketing. Religion. Travel.

Gemini: Finances. Therapy. Intimacy. Metaphysics.

Cancer: Partnerships. Contracts. Marriage.

Leo: Work. Health. Pets. Routine.

Virgo: Fun. Romance. Children. Self-expression.

Libra: Home. Family. Inner child. Roots.

Scorpio: Learning. Relatives. Community. Commerce.

Sagittarius: Income. Values and valuables. Self-worth.

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Paradigm Shift: Pluto Enters Aquarius


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